Monday, June 2, 2008

interns have hierarchy too

I am no longer the last link of the food chain. With the arrival of the Learfield summer interns last week, I finally get to eat. Once doomed to a work-life analogous to that of phytoplankton, I have now been promoted to a small crustacean. And what do I finally get to eat? Chicken biscuits. As I've already mentioned on this blog, I love Chicken biscuits. Brent Martin has been flooding me with free chicken biscuit coupons (2) he finds in the newspaper, and I finally got to use one today. Zach Osborne, summer intern and roommate, came to me this morning with nothing to do, and I said, "Wanna go to McDonald's?" I enjoyed the rush of being able to do that. I'm not sure I am able to do that actually...

I even get to give work to interns. Today Jarred Donalson, another summer intern and roommate, also came to me drunk with boredom this afternoon and asked me if I had any work for him to do. I have been an intern, myself, for a good four and a half months; so, I know what it's like to ask others if they have any work for me to do, and usually, it's because of devastating boredom. Just as I was finished telling Jarred I had nothing for him, Steve Mays came to me and explained how he'd like to create a Missourinet channel on YouTube and that he wanted all the videos on my account transferred to it... anyway, it came down to some mind-numbing cutting and pasting work that I was not interested in doing. Luckily, there was Jarred with nothing to do. I, being drunk with power, served Jarred (servant leadership) by giving him an opportunity to succeed. Jarred is doing that little project right now... while I blog. Now that I think about it, I should probably be doing something constructive with this time. Maybe God's giving me this promotion to give me a chance to prove I can handle the responsibility of... ah, I'll think about this later.

If you're reading this, Jarred, and you're upset that Zach came to me with the same problem, but I took him out to eat instead of giving him work, like I did to you, just take this as a lesson: If you come to me with boredom, you never know what you're going to get. It's like the mystery AirHead flavor, except in this case it's not always delicious, like it was for Zach.


Here's a wire story picked up by the Nebraska Radio Network a few years ago. David Brazeal, who comes into Learfield every Monday, read this out loud to everyone in the news room as he was going through his old files. Sometimes fatigue can really take over and really effect your work, with some hilarious results...

(Bellevue) A walk to benefit cancer research is expected to draw more than 600 people, including Nebraska's first lady.
Stephanie Johanns will kick off the Relay for Life at Bellevue West High School tonight.
The all-night event will include a memorial service for those who have died from cancer, massages and face-painting clowns.


Zachbot3000 said...

i am never going anywhere near you again... but your blog has got me thinking about how delicious that biscuit was. those things are awesome. wanna get biscuits tomorrow morning?

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that there's a little too much drunkenness going on in this post. One is drunk with boredom. Another is drunk with power. I dream of the day when the office is drunk with efficiency.

Jon Allison said...

its hard to not write about drunkenness when you are drunk

Unknown said...

First, I don't think I've ever been described as drunk. Second, if your going to use my first and last name at least hyperlink it to my blog. Third, well the first two were all I really had but you better watch yourself Alpal (I really hope the reporters start calling you by this name), because your status as Master Intern could be short lived.